Saturday , September 7 2024

A blessing for Boeing? Virgin Galactic strikes are dealing with NASA to work on supersonic missiles

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Virgo Galactic says it is signed a space act agreement with NASA Working together to develop supersonic vehicles for civil applications – a technology of interest to Boeing, one of Virgin Galactic's youngest investors.

  • The agreement also includes The spaceship society, a subsidiary of Virgin Galactic, which produces the SpaceShipTwo rocket plane and the mother ship WhiteKnightTwo. Known as VSS Unity, the SpaceShipTwo model has flown to the 50 mile rim of space twice in California and this week did its first glide test at Spaceport America, its new home in New Mexico.
  • Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, has long said he plans to use SpaceShipTwo technology for High-speed point-to-point driving between goals on earth. This application is an important reason why Boeing has invested $ 20 million in Virgin Galactic.
  • Virgin Galactic Holdings still today reported on the first quarter financial resultsThese include a net loss of $ 60 million, sales of $ 238,000 in engineering services, and a "strong cash position" of $ 419 million. George Whitesides, CEO of Virgin Galactic, said that more than 400 refundable "One Small Step" deposits have been made by people in 44 countries interested in SpaceShipTwo flights. This is in addition to the 600 customers who have already signed up and paid up to $ 250,000 for a ticket.

About Pete Mohammad Zeus

Pete Mohammad Zeus is a 35 years old town counsellor who enjoys tennis, upcycling and jigsaw puzzles. He is energetic and considerate, but can also be very unstable and a bit boring.

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